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Fable captures the full HTML and CSS code of any web page/application that you record. This allows you to modify any element of the capture.

Editing On-Screen Elements

Fable’s no-code editor lets you modify the elements of the screen captured. You can edit text, image, change the visibility or blur out an element and more. The following interactive demo shows how you can make on-screen edits within Fable.

The edit options for any text element on the screen are:

  • Update Text: Replace the original text on the screen with new text you want displayed in the demo.
  • Show Element: This is turned on by default. If you toggle it off, the element will be hidden from the page.
  • Blur Element: This is turned off by default. If you toggle it on, the element will appear blurred out on the page.
  • Mask Element: This will let you upload an image file which will be overlayed on top of the element.

The edit options for any image element on the screen are:

  • Replace Image: This will enable you to replace the original image on the screen with any image that you want displayed in the demo.
  • Show Element: This is turned on by default. If you toggle it off, the element will be hidden from the page.
  • Blur Element: This is turned off by default. If you toggle it on, the element will appear blurred out on the page.
  • Mask Element: This will let you upload an image file which will be overlayed on top of the element.
If you need any help in getting started with Fable and making the best of it for your business, feel free to contact us at  support@sharefable.com