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Changing the order of screens within a demo can be achieved by either dragging and dropping the screen to reorder or by connecting them with arrows to signify order within the canvas.

Reordering Screens in a Demo

You can chop and change the order of the demo within the canvas itself (and don’t have to re-record the steps). The following two options detail how you can reorder screens in a demo:

Drag and drop

The easiest way to change the position of a screen within a demo is by dragging and dropping it in the shaded areas that appear adjacent to other screens. The shaded area changes in color when the screen you have dragged is in place for it to be stitched there at which point you can drop the screen to reorder the demo.

  • Reordering in a single demo flow by dragging and dropping screen
  • Reordering with 2 or more demo flows by dragging and dropping screen

Connecting with arrows

The other alternative to change the order of the demos is by dragging a connector from the end point of a screen and dropping it on the screen which you want it to be connected to. Note that if you draw connection from a screen which is in the middle of an existing flow, it will sever the old connection it had.

  • Reordering in a single demo flow by drawing connections between screens
  • Reordering with 2 or more demo flows by drawing connections between screens
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